Top Ways To Improve the Safety of Your Parking Lot

Top Ways To Improve the Safety of Your Parking Lot

Are parking lots risky? Parking lots are scarier than you believe, thanks to crime and collisions. Parking garages are the third most common location for violent crimes. Every day, about 1,400 attacks occur in the United States. Parking lots are hotbeds for vehicle theft, property theft from automobiles, and vehicle accidents, in addition to violence. Here are some of the top ways to improve the safety of your parking lot.

Use Ample Lighting

Is the lighting in your parking lot adequate? Your facility should have bright lighting for driving and pedestrian areas, but shadows beyond these areas should be minimized to prevent attackers from hiding. High-risk places include stairwells, elevators, refuge areas, and the external parts of parking garages. Consider using LED illumination to improve daylight driver safety as well. Drivers entering a garage may experience temporary blindness due to the contrast between brilliant daylight and a gloomy garage. You can reduce the risk of this shift by over lighting parking garage entrances.

Install Access Control

Controlling the ease and constraints of access to different regions of a parking lot or garage improves security. To control automotive and pedestrian entrance, use a security booth, gates, and raising/lowering arms. Using structural features such as cement blocks, fencing, or other impediments limit access to private rooms and spots that give hiding places for attackers (such as cut-away sections beneath stairways).

Practice Great Facility Maintenance

Replacing a burned-out light as soon as possible does more than just keep your parking lot well-lit. Sending the message that your parking lots are well-kept sends a message to potential offenders that the region is well-cared for. As a result, criminals are more likely to be apprehended, discouraging them from risking their lives. Aside from deterring crime, well-kept facilities reduce the risk of accidents and injuries. Trips, slips, and skids can all be caused by damaged, weathered, and wet surfaces. Installing permeable surfaces is a cost-effective and environmentally responsible solution to keep excess moisture at bay and guarantee that water drains efficiently from your property.

We hope you have enjoyed our article on the top ways to improve the safety of your parking lot! Remember that by improving the safety in your parking lot, you are actively making your building a more welcoming place. As such, by improving your parking garage, you will be directly benefiting your business!

About Casey Cartwright

Casey is a passionate copyeditor highly motivated to provide compelling SEO content in the digital marketing space. Her expertise includes a vast range of industries from highly technical, consumer, and lifestyle-based, with an emphasis on attention to detail and readability.

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