Long and Luscious: How Do Eyelashes Grow?

A woman's eye. Her eye is blue with brown central heterochromia, and it's framed by extremely long, thick lashes.

Have you ever wondered how eyelashes grow? Do they grow in the same way the hair on your head grows? How long do they take to grow, and how long can they get? Most importantly, is there any way to get them to grow longer and faster?

If you want to unfurl the secrets of your lashes, join us as we explore just how these tiny hairs on our eyes work.

How Eyelashes Grow

Just like the hair on your head, eyelashes are also made of keratin. Keratin is a protein that provides structure and strength to hair, nails, and skin. The average person has approximately 100–150 eyelashes on their upper eyelid and 50–75 on their lower eyelid.

Eyelashes have four stages of growth: Anagen (active growth phase), Catagen (transition phase), Telogen (resting phase), and Exogen (shedding phase).

The Anagen Phase

The anagen phase is the active growth stage. During this period, your eyelashes are busy growing. This phase lasts around 30 to 45 days. It’s a short phase compared to the hair on your scalp, which can have an active growth phase of up to seven years.

The Catagen Phase

After the anagen phase, your lashes enter the catagen phase. This is a short transition stage where your eyelashes stop growing and detach from their blood supply. This phase lasts around two to three weeks.

The Telogen Phase

The telogen phase is the resting period. It can last anywhere from 100 days to six months. During this phase, the old hair stays in place while new hair starts to grow underneath.

The Exogen Phase

Finally, in the exogen phase, your eyelashes start to shed, and new ones begin to grow in their place as part of the natural lash cycle. This is why you may find a few stray lashes on your cheeks or pillow every now and then.

Can You Make Lashes Grow Faster?

Each person has their own individual lash growth cycle. Factors like genetics, age, and overall health can all affect the speed of lash growth. While there’s no scientifically proven way to make eyelashes grow faster, there are some tips and tricks you can try to promote healthy lash growth.

Whether you’re a lash tech wanting to help a client or someone looking to enhance their own lashes, you should know a thing or two about lash serums! You apply lash serums to the lash line to stimulate and promote growth. They usually contain ingredients like biotin, peptides, and vitamins that can nourish and strengthen the lashes. Lash oils are also a popular way to keep lashes healthy and moisturized.

Another way to enhance lash growth is by keeping your lashes clean. Dirt, oil, and makeup residue can clog eyelashes. This can lead to stunted or slow lash growth. Make sure to remove all eye makeup before going to bed and gently cleanse your lashes daily.

By keeping lashes clean and nourishing them with serums or lash oils, you can promote healthy and luscious lash growth.

Understanding how eyelashes grow is the first step to maintaining those gorgeous lashes. When you know how they grow and what factors can affect their growth, you can take better care of them and help them reach their full potential.

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