Fun Facts About Natural Gas

Fun Facts About Natural Gas

Natural gas is an integral part of most people’s everyday lives. Without it, there wouldn’t be ink for pens, fuel for cars, gas stoves, furnace pilot lights, or even clothing dryers! Discover some fun facts about natural gas.

1: Natural Gas Is Lighter Than Air

When you think of light things, the saying “light as a feather” may come to mind. When asked what’s lighter than a feather, air may be your go-to answer. But what’s lighter than air? Natural gas is! Of course, this can make it a little tricky to transport.

2: Natural Gas Can Be Liquid

Although “gas” is right in the name, natural gas isn’t always in a gaseous form. When its temperature gets down to negative 260 degrees Fahrenheit, natural gas turns into its liquid form. However, it’s uncommon to find natural gas in its liquid form—negative 260 degrees is pretty chilly, after all!

3: Natural Gas Is Old—Really Old

The natural gas that people use today is over 100 million years old. It dates back so far that it predates the written history of the Earth. So every time you turn on your furnace or fire up your stove, remember just how old the gas that creates that flame is!

4: Most Natural Gas Runs Through Pipelines

Natural gas pipelines cover more than 2.5 million miles across the United States alone. Pipelines are the most efficient way to transport natural gas, but that comes at a price. Pipeline owners constantly need to be on the lookout for signs of pipeline corrosion. A corroded pipeline can lead to a natural gas leak.

5. Natural Gas Is a Greener Option for Electricity than Coal

The reason many homes use natural gas for electricity in their homes is that it’s both cheaper and a greener option than coal. Natural gas electricity emits more than 50 percent fewer greenhouse gases than coal electricity to produce the same amount of energy.

Natural gas is a part of your everyday life. Enjoy sharing these fun facts or remembering how significant natural gas is to your life every time you spark your stove, light your furnace, or even jot some notes down.


How old is natural gas?

The natural gas that people use today is over 100 million years old. It dates back so far that it predates the written history of the Earth. So every time you turn on your furnace or fire up your stove, remember just how old the gas that creates that flame is!

How heavy is natural gas?

When you think of light things, the saying “light as a feather” may come to mind. When asked what’s lighter than a feather, air may be your go-to answer. But what’s lighter than air? Natural gas is! Of course, this can make it a little tricky to transport.

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About Casey Cartwright

Casey is a passionate copyeditor highly motivated to provide compelling SEO content in the digital marketing space. Her expertise includes a vast range of industries from highly technical, consumer, and lifestyle-based, with an emphasis on attention to detail and readability.

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