Commonly Used Sterilization Methods in the Medical Industry

Commonly Used Sterilization Methods in the Medical Industry

Nowadays, getting sick or having to go to a hospital comes with a whole new level of worry. How do we know that everything these places are using is sterilized properly? Thankfully, there are many safe and effective ways to sterilize medical equipment so it can be used again and again. It’s important to know what these methods are so we can stay informed when it comes to our personal health. Here are the most commonly used sterilization methods in the medical industry.


Arguably the most common sterilization method in the medical industry, high levels of heat are used to sterilize many types of equipment. There are two major types of heat used in sterilization: wet heat or steam and dry heat.

  • Wet heat or steam sterilization is created using an autoclave that pressurizes water and creates a vacuum. This allows the steam to reach into all the nooks and crannies of the equipment and kill microbes through hydrolysis more effectively.
  • Dry heat sterilization utilizes hot air ovens, flames, and even incineration to destroy bacteria. An example of this is using flames to sterilize medical equipment such as scalpels, needles, and other metallic implements.


If heat isn’t an option for sterilization, there is always filtration. The important part of filtration sterilization is to use a filter that has a pore size that’s too small to allow microbes through it. This method is usually only used when bacteria is concerned, as viruses and phage tend to be much smaller than typical bacteria.


The effectiveness of the radiation method of sterilization directly correlates to the type of radiation that is being used. Radiation is obviously very dangerous, so all the different rays have their uses. Ultraviolet rays, for instance, have a low penetration, which is useful for safety purposes but shouldn’t be used on large areas. Gamma and X-rays have much higher penetration and are therefore used on larger areas, but they are also more dangerous to be exposed to for long periods.


The chemical method of sterilization comes into play when heat would normally damage the usable equipment. Both gaseous and liquid chemicals can play a part in sterilization. Chemical gases are chosen when the chemicals need to penetrate deeply into the material, in a similar method to wet heat sterilization. While there are many different types of chemicals used for sterilization, some are better than others for killing things such as spores or bacteria.

About Casey Cartwright

Casey is a passionate copyeditor highly motivated to provide compelling SEO content in the digital marketing space. Her expertise includes a vast range of industries from highly technical, consumer, and lifestyle-based, with an emphasis on attention to detail and readability.

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