VY Canis Majoris
VY Canis Majoris is the largest star known to man. It is a red Hypergiant, located in the Milky way and measuring between 1800 to 2100 solar radii. One Radius is equal to the current radius of the Sun and it is approximately 432,450 miles (695,500 kilometers). SMH, that is one giant chunk of space and the atmosphere. The Astrophysical Journal executed extensive research on the temperature of VY Canis Majoris.
How Big Is VY Canis Majoris?
VY Canis Majoris is so large that if our Sun were replaced by it, its surface would extend to (or maybe even pass) the orbit of Saturn. In Earth terms it would take 70 000 000 000 000 000 (70 quadrillion) Earths to fill up the VY Canis Majoris. Can you create a GIF that represents how large that is and send it out on Twitter?
To the naked eye, however, the 2 stars can’t be distinguished. Even though the star is extremely large, it is extremely dim to have the ability to see it with the naked eye in the night sky and we will not have the capacity to see it without the assistance of a binocular or telescope. These stars are extremely cold in temperature and are quite rare. It’s an extremely big and luminous star. A faint star is going to have large number. Along with being one of the biggest known stars, it’s also among the most luminous ever observed. It was pretty much thought to be a single red star in this time frame.
Yeah, no issue, Sirius explained. Sirius is really a double star. Sirius can be observed from almost everywhere on the planet’s surface.
VY Canis Majoris is the largest type of star called a red hyper giant. VY Canis Majoris is so large that it’s not possible to even represent the earth inside this picture as it would measure less than 1 thousandth of one pixel. VY Canis Majoris is among the leading contenders for being the most significant star in the galaxy. VY Canis Majoris is believed to be 10 million years old and is predicted to explode in the next 100,000 decades.
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Red Hypergiant star is one of the largest stars in our galaxy and the star that are most like the sun. The Red Hypergiant star is very similar to the sun in size, but it is much brighter and its presence has caused a lot of attention for many reasons.
First, the immense heat produced by the intense interaction of ultraviolet light with the ultra-hot material will cause an immense supernova explosion. Second, this star is in the very outer edge of the Milky Way Galaxy. This gives a large effect on the way we perceive these stars.
The fact that it is so far away means that the star is much larger than we know it to be, even though its size is the same as that of the sun. And it is so bright that is very hard to see without a large telescope.
The speed of light, which is about 186,000 miles per second, means that the object is traveling at more than 3 million miles per hour. Given the sun’s radius, the distance to Red Hypergiant star is about 30 times greater than the distance to the Earth.
How big is Earth? If we consider the size of Red Hypergiant star to be similar to the size of the sun, then this star would be the most massive in the galaxy and it is a mystery how it has managed to get so close to us.
So how big is Earth? With such an enormous size, there are many theories as to why this star is so close to us. One popular theory is that it may have formed in the solar system from a tiny planetary companion, and, if this is true, then it would be the closest supernova yet seen.
There is some debate on whether the red hypergiant is as old as the sun or younger. The star’s age is thought to be at least four billion years old. It is believed that, because of its close proximity to Earth, the red hypergiant can be used as a proxy to determine the age of the solar system.
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