Facts About Marijuana
Marijuana was first cultivated in Asia specifically in China around 4000 B.C. and the U.S. Declaration of Independence was written on hemp paper. Thousands of Americans receive prescribed marijuana from the medical community. There are three main types of Marijuana: Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Indica and Cannabis Ruderalis. Cannabis Sativa grows taller and it gives more of a head high.
What Is Cannabis?
Indica is a short bushy plant and the high is more muscle relaxing throughout the body and it has variety of medical uses. Cannabis Ruderalis grows in colder climates (Eastern Europe and Russia). Skunk is the strong Cannabis Indica hybrid. Interesting fact about marijuana is that marijuana cures/prevents more than 100 diseases including cancer and depression. Marijuana is also very useful and effective in combating glaucoma. High levels of THC (psychoactive part of cannabis uk) are found mostly in female plants.
Interesting Facts About Marijuana
Popularly known as hemp, weed or pot, marijuana is one of the most used illegal drugs online. Although various countries and states are legalizing the use of medicinal marijuana, it is still illegal in most places. The mind-altering marijuana is usually rolled up into a cigarette that is known as nail or joint. It is also used in tea or mixed with various foods. Interesting facts about marijuana include the following. Cannabis has faced a lot of controversy along the way, but so have other common items in society such as caffeine, magnesium, high fructose corn syrup, sodium, and even the water we consume still loaded with fluoride.
Online Sale: Marijuana was the first commodity to be sold and bought online. The first e-commerce transaction done in 1971 was carried out by Stanford students using Arpanet accounts.
George Washington: United States of America’s founding president George Washington grew weed. He mentioned on several occasions that he grew the crop. It is suspected that he used marijuana as a painkiller from his dentures.
Largest Producer: Mexico is the largest producer in the world with vast tracts of land dedicated to the cultivation of the plant. Paraguay is the second producer of pot.
Action on Cancer: Marijuana has been observed to possess action against cancer. It stops the development of cancer and inhibits its spread. Marijuana use also limits aggressive cancer.
Overdose: The possibility of overdosing cancer is practically impossible. For an overdose, a typical adult has to smoke approximately 800 joints in one sitting. There hasn’t been any reported case of death from marijuana overdose.
Names: Marijuana has several names as most neighborhoods have their own name for the plant. It is estimated that it has more than 200 slang names including pot, hash, weed, tree, herb, grass, Mary Jane and ganja among others.
Growth: Marijuana is an extremely resilient crop that can thrive in any environment. It grows fast and can go as high as 18 feet in height.
North Korea: There are no regulations on weed in North Korea, a fact that makes it legal in the country.
Most of the smokers like to keep their females plants seed free. This means that they discard all male plants on order to stop them from pollinating female plants. Cannabidiol (CBD) is compound in cannabis that helps cancer patients and it is suggested that these patients intake marijuana that contains higher levels of CBD. The CBD market is growing quite strongly through 2019 and that is projected to continue and even increase. The market continues to introduce new entrants with CBD gummies, CBD massage oil, CBD salve, and many other products.
Interestingly, North Korea is one of the first countries to legalize Marijuana and it is freely grown and smoked through out the country. Another fact is that women are more sensitive to marijuana and it was suggested that teenage girls should smoke with precaution since they are vulnerable to anxiety and depression.
Why Is Marijuana Illegal?
The truth is there is no legitimate reason why at this point. Medical information and analysis resoundingly points to numerous benefits of using cannabis properly. Several states in the United States have already approved the legalization of medical marijuana and many have approved the recreational use of marijuana. It’s a plant so insanity reigns supreme when you need government approval to grow and consume a plant. Like with Bitcoin and Tezis, weed and other things like magic mushrooms must continue to repel and fight back against establish corporate and politic interests all oriented around money. Two legacy interests that highlight this conundrum are pharmaceuticals and banking. Both are threatened by cannabis and Bitcoin for example.
One faction likely opposed to legalizing cannabis is law enforcement and the court system. Cops and lawyers will miss out on a whole bunch of cheap arrests and convictions for possession of cannabis. Never fear however, there are tools being developed to help cops nail drivers for driving under the influence of cannabis.
The cannabis industry is also struggling to attain and maintain legitimacy in the eyes of the old guard status quo. The Cannabis industry faces hurdles related to the pesticides used in mass producing the plant, businesses being able to obtain loans and funding, and a variety of other attacks. Here is a nice snapshot of the hurdles throughout 2018.
Overall however the theme still appears to be one of a deliberate stalling and slowing down. It’s almost as if the status quo leadership is intentionally stalling the explosion of the cannabis industry to protect those industries most likely to be disrupted by the growth in cannabis. The medical applications of cannabis and the potential for use in everything from oils to beverages is astounding. The first two retail dispensaries in Massachusetts to open are both seeing lines wrapped around the block every day, yet the stat continues to control the opening of new locations.
The data from other states is very encouraging for both citizens and greedy politicians. Colorado exceeded $1 Billion in cannabis tax revenue in record time. This generated $200 Million in tax receipts.
In February of 2019 a U.S. Senator introduced a bill to legalize marijuana across the United States by taking it off the list of controlled substances. The bill would also create an excise tax and seek to provide clear rules and guidelines for businesses.
Massachusetts legalized cannabis and the roll out has been slow but fairly steady. One company, Garden Remedies, has already taken advantage of deploying the maximum number of retail stores in the state. They have locations in Newton, Marlborough, and Melrose, which is north of Boston. Larger states and smaller are looking into this so it seems only a matter of time before large states like Florida and Texas join in. Canada is already well along in the movement.
Interestingly, in 2020 the COVID-19 scare and subsequent social unrest and rioting has perhaps nudged certain politicians more towards weed legalization. Many states in the U.S. face very dire fiscal situations, and now all of a sudden they are more open to legalizing marijuana and the subsequent boom to tax receipts. Although pot shops in Massachusetts were NOT deemed essential during the lockdowns, big states like New York and Illinois have tough choices to make. To wit, Governor Cuomo of NY all of a sudden is a lot more receptive to legalizing weed in the Empire State.
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CBD oil has grown a widely used medication for chronic pain. It can seem like a miracle too good to be true. It may have a future for use within the realm of disc regeneration treatment.
The 2nd most frequent question people have in regards to CBD oil is whether it’s safe. CBD oil is taken out of the cannabis plant. CBD oil or Cannabis is advised for people managing chronic pain.
CBD oil supplies you with a number of the very same benefits as THC oil, for example, ability to unwind and get much better sleep. It’s well worth knowing that the CBD oil isn’t the very same as THC. The CBD oil was used in combination with opioids. It does not contain THC, which is the part of cannabis that makes you feel high or anxious when you use it.
CBD oil is wholly legal in the united kingdom, and you’re able to get it at a variety of high street stores. To begin with, it’s well worth remembering that the CBD oil is a sort of cannabinoid. As CBD oil is a rather new product in the discipline of health and wellness, there’s very little information about the way that it works. It has also been linked to a variety of mental health benefits, such as a reduction in anxiety. To sum up, it is not a drug, even though it comes from a plant that is generally classified as a drug, sometimes illegal. It is thought to affect receptors in the brain that can receive serotonin, which is a primary chemical in the body that can cause depression and anxiety when levels are low.
Colorado has become the most popular state for Americans to move to. It is home to the first recreational marijuana legalization ballot initiative of all, called Amendment 64. On top of that, it has some of the best skiing and hiking in the entire country. It’s a perfect combination of scenic beauty and happy lifestyle. This state is attracting new residents every day and becoming more famous than ever before. Colorado is ranked as the number one destination for new residents in the country.
Marijuana is not a crime in Colorado anymore, but marijuana use is still illegal and punishable by fines and jail time. Despite this, people are flocking to Colorado in droves to escape the laws of other states and have a new life free from the restrictions. The traffic rules, as well as the general roads are relatively free of any accidents and have a lot less traffic than they did before. This makes Colorado great for traveling. Colorado has also been noted for the development of creative and innovative industries such as pottery and design. Also, there are a lot of clothing stores selling clothing that is made from hemp products.
Serotonin, a naturally occurring chemical that regulates mood and appetite, is known to play a major role in the regulation of energy. It is in a big part what makes you feel great, happy, or stressed. Unfortunately, the lack of this chemical in your brain may also be a major cause of depression. This article will explain how to increase serotonin levels in your brain so that you can start feeling better.
One of the most effective ways to do this is by eating certain foods. Foods such as apples, bananas, cheese, eggs, and yogurt all contain serotonin. These foods are easily available in your grocery store, and you can find them in many different flavors. If you prefer to eat chocolate instead of the above foods, then you can add some chocolate to your diet. This augments all the amazing things linked to magnesium, potassium, salt, water, turmeric, caffeine, and more while staying clear of high fructose corn syrup.
By consuming large amounts of these foods, you can increase serotonin levels in your body. Furthermore, doing this daily can also improve your mood, energy level, and appetite. However, if you are someone who feels a bit of stress everyday, it is important to make sure that you take a moment to relax and do something that will relax you. At the same time, you should try not to take too much time off from work. The idea here is to make sure that you do not allow yourself to feel stressed out.
Anxiety and panic attacks often occur when there is a lack of serotonin in the brain. Because the human brain works in a strange way, it can actually be using its own brain chemicals in order to think that it is in danger, when in fact, it is just trying to figure out what is happening. There are other situations where there is no problem at all, but that is when you are worried about something or feeling out of place.
Depression is never a bad thing. People sometimes live in fear of being depressed because of a myriad of reasons. They may be embarrassed about a past experience, have lost a loved one, or have been in an accident.
In order to make sure that you are not suffering from depression, you should always try to stay positive. Sometimes it takes a lot of courage to actually say to yourself that you feel good and are feeling good about yourself. You should also try to eat the right kinds of foods so that you can produce serotonin in your body.
When you eat the right kinds of foods, your brain is able to naturally produce serotonin, which makes you feel better. Additionally, eating the right kind of foods can help to increase your energy level. Studies have shown that eating foods with serotonin is very beneficial. In fact, they are proven to increase energy levels in the body.
One of the best ways to increase serotonin levels in your brain is to increase the amount of carbohydrates that you eat daily. This means that if you can get yourself a salad and a protein shake that you can increase your serotonin. Eating the right kinds of foods that are filled with sugar, starch, and starch-like carbohydrates is an excellent way to increase serotonin in your body.
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