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Everything Your Home Needs to Prepare for Winter

As the winter months approach, you might be feeling a sense of dread. You will have to put up with cold weather, fewer daylight hours, and shorter days. However, there are some benefits to this season! Winter is when many people take time off from work or school to spend time with loved ones or relax at home. Some holidays come along in December that offers opportunities for celebration and family gatherings. Some may say it’s not such a bad season after all!

Winter brings many challenges but also has its positives too. One thing we know for certain is that the temperature will drop quickly as soon as October rolls around, so now is the best time to prepare your home for winter by following these tips below:


  1. check for drafts around windows and doors, install weather stripping to prevent heat from escaping.
  2. turn down the temperature on your water heater, so you use less energy heating up a smaller amount of water or switch it off at night when there’s no one using any hot water to save even more money.
  3. take advantage of free insulation workshops being offered by local power companies as they can help reduce your electricity bill throughout the year.
  4. clear snow away from exterior walls because snow acts as an insulator against cold air, making them easier to keep warm. Ensure that gutters and drains are clean before fall arrives as well; otherwise, this could lead to ice dams forming, which could damage your roof.
  5. place a thick rug inside front and back doors to create an added layer of insulation for the home.
  6. invest in heavy curtains or blinds to help reduce heat loss through windows by up to 50%.
  7. ensure there are no gaps, cracks, or holes around doorframes that allow cold air into the house because this will significantly increase heating costs over time. Use caulk or weather stripping around door frames if needed too.
  8. keep all spare blankets on hand, so you’re not caught out when it’s freezing outside, especially during power cuts at night time, because who wants to go without their freezer full of food?
  9. inspect your heating systems and ensure everything is working properly, so you don’t run into any disruptions during the winter months.
  10. switch off appliances, lights, or devices that aren’t in use at night instead of keeping them on all day because this can help cut down electricity costs by up to 15%.
  11. insulate water pipes with specially designed wraps before fall arrives, which will prevent frozen pipes from causing damage when temperatures drop significantly overnight. Ensure taps are shut tightly too!
  12. if you have a fireplace or woodstove, make sure there’s dry firewood ready for colder nights ahead; otherwise, it could be disastrous once the temperature drops lower than expected, especially if power outages occur around this time more often than not. Be prepared just in case using alternative heat sources.
  13. make sure your roof is in good condition and won’t leak or collapse when the snow begins to fall, which could be a serious issue if not dealt with beforehand.
  14. investigate metal roofs that are designed to prevent snow or ice from building up on your roof because this could cause damage over time with the weight of it all.
  15. you should also check out your furnace filters, they need to be clean for the furnace to work properly. Clean or replace them regularly so that you can avoid having to pay for emergency repairs
  16. keep a close eye on local weather forecasts in advance so you can be prepared for winter instead of having to deal with these issues when they occur unexpectedly.
  17. invest in weatherproof footwear with good traction to avoid injuries or accidents, especially when ice is present.
  18. switch off outdoor lighting, decorations, and heating systems if you’re going away for an extended period because this will help reduce costs considerably rather than leaving them all day during your absence which could lead to higher energy bills at the end of each month.
  19. keep frozen food stored in a freezer outside instead of bringing it inside during winter months because freezers work best when they are full so make sure there’s plenty of space available before switching one on! Freezing anything that comes into contact with water can also prevent pipes from freezing too.
  20. invest in insulation around hot water to cut down heat loss overnight by up to 50%, which will save you money in the long run.
  21. check your fire alarms are working properly, and batteries haven’t expired before winter settles in; otherwise, this could be a serious issue if an emergency occurs unexpectedly without warning causing inconvenience at best or worse, something much more dangerous!
  22. consider using solar panels like these can help reduce electricity costs by up to 25%. This is especially useful for living off-grid where there isn’t access to utility companies as everyone else has normally available. Solar energy might not suit all homes, but it’s worth looking into as they’re cheaper than ever now, thanks to government subsidies.

Final Thought

Remember, winter can be a very rewarding time of year, but you have to prepare yourself for it ahead of time so that everything runs smoothly throughout the cold weather months!

Additional Resources:

Coldest City





New York

Moon Bear


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