Categories: General Knowledge

Concealed Carry: Top Considerations for Pocket Carry

When you pocket carry, you carry your firearm in your pants pocket. This can be a good option if you can’t carry on your waist but want a discreet carry position. Plan appropriately for this form of concealed carry with these top considerations for pocket carry.

1. Pocket and Gun Size

Of course, to carry a weapon in your pocket safely, discreetly, and comfortably, you’ll need an appropriately sized pocket. This means women’s pants and jeans will not cut it in most cases. Women’s garments notoriously have shallow, or even fake, pockets. Avoid this style if you want to pocket carry.

The size of the gun affects the size of pocket you need. Micro-compacts and subcompact guns can work well with pocket carry. Also, keep in mind that you’ll need a little extra space in your pockets for the holster and to accommodate your hand drawing the weapon.

2. Holster Quality

Another top consideration for pocket carry is that holster quality affects your concealed carry experience. Pocket holsters secure your gun in your pocket and make it easier for you to smoothly draw your weapon. Well-made holsters have slip-resistant features that keep the holster in your pocket when you draw.

Another benefit of pocket holsters is that they smooth out the profile of your weapon. One of the top reasons for carrying a concealed weapon discreetly is to prevent hostile people from knowing that you’re carrying. Keep your firearm hidden away with a pocket holster to increase your safety.

3. Train While Seated and Standing

Finally, don’t neglect to train for using your firearm and pocket carry holster. Sit and stand while you dry fire, simulating drawing and shooting your firearm without ammunition.

Dry firing from both positions will help your body grow accustomed to pocket carry. Practice drawing with different grip techniques, such as the claw grip. This is when you place your thumb on the back of the slide to draw. Once your gun is out of the holster, you can move your thumb into position around the support side of the gun.

Choose a small gun and have ample pocket space to accommodate the weapon, holster, and your hand. Find a quality pocket holster that doesn’t slide around when you pull out your weapon. Finally, practice the best techniques that will help you access and use your pocket carry weapon safely and efficiently.

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