Warehouses play crucial roles in the manufacturing, shipping, and storage of store-bought products. Not only is it vital to keep any area storing products cool and dry, but it’s also vital for the well-being of the employees working in the warehouse. Installing duct flow monitoring equipment on your existing HVAC system can help you control the temperature and humidity of your facility.
But there are other methods to ensure the safety of your products and the health of your employees. Explore these tips for improving warehouse ventilation in your facility.
Machinery builds up heat throughout the day as it runs. This accumulated heat can damage products, especially if high temperatures persist for an extended period. Turning them off at night is one way to help temperatures decrease to an acceptable level before the next workday.
During the workday, industrial fans can help cool off the building and maintain airflow as temperatures rise. Fans are a necessity for warmer months or regions that are warm year-round. There are different sizes of industrial fans to fit any size warehouse, big or small.
Insulation will help keep your warehouse cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Frigid temperatures can be as damaging as sweltering summer weather. Thankfully, you can combat both by providing the right insulation for your building.
Did you know that the color of your warehouse roof can also work against you? Dark roofs absorb more heat, making the entire building hotter and causing your HVAC system to work harder to compensate. Replacing a dark roof with a light-colored one will enable it to refract the light and disperse the heat elsewhere.
Excessive humidity is also a problem for warehouses. Mildew and mold can easily grow, causing damage to items and the building itself. Furthermore, these organisms can cause adverse health effects in warehouse workers. Use industrial dehumidifiers and air conditioners to manage humidity problems.
With these tips on improving warehouse ventilation, you can ensure the safety of your staff and protect all the stored goods.
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