Categories: Nature Facts

3 Industries Greatly Impacted by Global Warming

Climate change doesn’t just hurt our environment—the economic backlash associated with climate change remains a pressing issue. If conditions worsen, many different sectors are at risk of failing. Here are the three specific industries greatly impacted by global warming.


One of the nasty side effects of climate change is more regularly occurring natural disasters. Hurricanes are perhaps the most devastating weather event, especially in the United States. Many of the last few massive hurricanes cost tens of billions of dollars in damages and economic loss, with just a small portion of that being insured.

As storms like Sandy and Ian become more common, storm protection insurance options are less likely to be included in basic insurance plans—additionally, the cost of coverage could balloon. Insurance payouts will only increase as global warming progresses, putting a significant strain on the industry as a whole. Ultimately, countless individuals could lose their jobs, leaving millions of vulnerable people uninsured and unprotected.

Agriculture Production

Climate change impacts the agricultural industry to such a negative degree that experts are worried about the future of this absolutely essential sector. Extreme weather shifts, alterations to soil conditions, dips in oxygen, and a weakened atmosphere are global warming effects hindering the success of growing healthy and bountiful produce.

The ripple effects of continued climate change in regard to agriculture are significant. Inventory will fall, prices will skyrocket, and, in the process, countless farms, families, and individuals will lose jobs. Of all the impacted industries, agriculture is perhaps the most vulnerable to climate change and most valuable to society.

Commercial Fishing

Agriculture isn’t the only food-related sector at risk of hardship in the face of global warming. The fishing industry is also feeling the effects of climate change, and they’re all negative. As water temperatures increase, certain species of fish who prefer cold and flowing water, like trout and salmon, will die off or develop health issues that make them unsafe for human consumption.

With the loss of certain fish, ecosystems are disrupted, impacting the health of all surrounding organisms. Greenhouse gases also acidify our oceans, which is devastating to all organic matter. Aside from agriculture, fishing is an essential global industry.

Listing these industries greatly impacted by global warming isn’t meant to frighten anyone. Rather, it’s a call to action for individuals within these sectors and ordinary people to start making positive changes. Conducting your business and personal lives in an eco-conscious manner can help save these important jobs and, most importantly, the planet.

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