A new clean air law could see burning house coal banned in Wales, and stricter rules on using wood fires.Read…
The US may face a rapidly closing window to bring a suspected extra-contagious variant of covid-19 under control. If the…
The US may face a rapidly closing window to bring a suspected extra-contagious variant of covid-19 under control. If the…
Even Tyrannosaurus rexes needed to nap sometimes. A still-growing fossil record is showing how dinosaurs used to doze.Read More
Silk production today is based on a process that goes back thousands of years — one that involves killing silkworms.…
You don't have to drink every day to have an Alcohol Use Disorder. Even moderate amounts of alcohol consumption impact…
Six nerdy roommates used public health data to create an online Covid-risk points system for every activity—and protect their pandemic…
In 48 B.C., as Cleopatra plotted to regain power amid a civil war with her brother, the Roman historian Cassius…
Most people are aware of some of the heinous medical experiments of the past that violated human rights. Participation in…