Covid, Schools, and the High-Stakes Experiment No One WantedSandra UpsonScience Latest

4 years ago

Reopening in the fall was a massive gamble. At one high-poverty elementary school, navigating the risks paid off.Read More

The Autonomous Saildrone Surveyor Preps for Its Sea VoyageEric NiilerScience Latest

4 years ago

The robo-vessel will map the ocean floor, and its solar-powered sensors will sample fish DNA and collect climate data.Read More

It’s Not Just You: Everyone’s Mental Health Is SufferingEric RavenscraftScience Latest

4 years ago

If you’re thinking, “Oh, I just need to suck it up,” stop. What you’re feeling is real. Here’s how to…

What the complex math of fire modeling tells us about the future of California’s forestson January 18, 2021 at 12:00 pm

4 years ago

Pioneering scientists like Rothermel dealt with this intractable problem by ignoring it. Instead, they searched for factors, such as wind…

Police are flying surveillance over Washington. Where were they last week?on January 18, 2021 at 11:00 am

4 years ago

Nor were resources an issue. The United States Capitol Police, or USCP, is one of the most well-funded police forces…

CBD Research Reinforces Its Strength in Easing Back Pain

4 years ago

A big concern across the globe is chronic back pain. Lower back pain is currently among the world's leading sources…

The Crooked, Complex Geometry of Round TripsPatrick HonnerScience Latest

4 years ago

Imagine if we lived on a cube-shaped Earth. How would you find the shortest path around the world?Read More

Virgin Orbit Just Launched a Rocket From a 747Daniel OberhausScience Latest

4 years ago

Launching rockets from planes is a decades-old concept that never really took off. Billionaire Richard Branson thinks its time has…

The Ordovician Extinction: Our Planet’s First Brush With Deathon January 16, 2021 at 11:58 am

4 years ago

Some mass extinctions unfold like a sloppy murder, leaving clear fingerprints for the keen investigator to uncover. (Asteroids are no…

The Ordovician Extinction: Our Planet’s First Brush With (Cody Cottier)on January 16, 2021 at 11:58 am

4 years ago

The first mass die-off on Earth was also one of the deadliest. Scientists continue to piece together the story of…