Do Weight Loss Supplements Really Work?

4 years ago

If you are an avid dieter, you might have come across the world of weight loss supplements before, although maybe…

Top 9 Edtech Trends For The Future

4 years ago

The way we interact and do business is changing and new tools, ranging from digital transactions to social media, have…

Can an App Help Change Your Personality?Kasra ZareiScience Latest

4 years ago

Want to be more sociable or less of a doormat? There's an (experimental) app for that.Read More

Can an App Help Change Your Personality?Feedzy

4 years ago

“I really liked it—every week, you had a goal to pursue,” agrees Schilter. “You always have your smartphone, so there…

Aqua Sizzlers: The History of Bath Bombs

4 years ago

Have you ever wondered how fizzing luxury bathing ingredients became such a widespread phenomenon? Check out aqua sizzlers: Here’s the…

Technology That Uses Printed Circuit Boards

4 years ago

To understand the reason why our technology is so advanced, you must understand the technology that uses printed circuit boards…

Hungry, Hungry Microbes in Tree Bark Gobble Up MethaneMax G. LevyScience Latest

4 years ago

Bad news: Trees emit methane, a greenhouse gas. Good news: Some are home to bacteria that can't get enough of…

Could Bad Guys Actually Escape Falcon in a Wingsuit for Two?Rhett AllainScience Latest

4 years ago

In The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, a villain straps a hostage to his wingsuit and leaps off a plane.…

Could Bad Guys Actually Escape Falcon in a Wingsuit for Two?Feedzy

4 years ago

But now for the real question: What would happen if you increase the mass of the flying object? In particular,…

Hungry, Hungry Microbes in Tree Bark Gobble Up MethaneFeedzy

4 years ago

“When I saw this paper, I just said, ‘Holy shit, this is really interesting,’” says Jeffrey White, a professor emeritus…